Archives of Environmental Protection 4/2021

4/2021 - Spis treści

The use of Allium cepa L. assay as bioindicator for the investigation of genotoxic effects of industrial waste water. Pinar Goc Rasgele

Morphology analysis and microbial diversity in novel anaerobic baffled reactor treating recycled paper mill wastewater. Haider M. Zwain, Basim Khalil Nile, Tahereh Jafary, Irvan Dahlan 

Research on neutralization of wastewater from pickling and electropolishing processes. Paweł Lochyński, Paweł Wiercik, Sylwia Charazińska, Maciej Ostrowski

Experimental investigations of dynamic sorption of diesel from contaminated water. Dainius Paliulis

How we can disrupt ecosystem of urban lakes - pollutants of bottom sediment in two shallow water bodies. Jolanta Katarzyna Grochowska, Renata Tandyrak, Renata Augustyniak, Michał Łopata, Dariusz Popielarczyk, Tomasz Templin

Small watercourses entering the South Baltic (Coastal Landscape Park) exemplify the variability of procaryotic community characteristic for different types of environments. Part I: Case study on open sea coast. Emilia Bączkowska, Agnieszka Kalinowska, Oskar Ronda, Katarzyna Jankowska, Rafał Bray, Bartosz Płóciennik, Żaneta Polkowska

The effect of temperature on the biodegradation of different types of packaging materials under test conditions. Joanna Poluszyńska, Tomasz Ciesielczuk, Marcin Biernacki, Maciej Paciorkowski

Application of EASEWASTE model for assessing environmental impacts from solid waste landfilling. Asifa Alam, Muhammad Nawaz Chaudhry, Sajid Rashid Ahmad, Aadila Batool, Adeel Mahmood, Huda Ahmad Al-Ghamdi

Promising method of ion exchange separation of anions before reverse osmosis. Inna Trus,  Mukola Gomelya, Viktoria Vorobyova, Margarita Skіba

Nanofiltration usage for fluoride removal in the sodium chloride presence. Martyna Grzegorzek

The use of alternative fuels in the cement industry as a part of circular economy. Alicja Uliasz-Bocheńczyk, Jan Deja, Eugeniusz Mokrzycki.



Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze

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