Department of Environmental Magnetism and Reclamation

Information about the Department

The department researches the properties of technogenic magnetic particles (TMP) in the environment and their role in the transfer of chemical contaminants to the soil environment. We are investigating the potential for using TMP as indicators of environmental contamination. We investigate current and historical soil contaminants using the soil magnetometry method (ISO 21226: 2019) as well as classical geochemical methods. We also identify anthropogenic contamination in soils in areas with historical mining and industrial activity and in former landfills. We cooperate with archaeologists in magnetic detection of archaeological sites. We also deal with bioremediation of post-industrial areas and areas damaged by human activities.

History of the Department of Environmental Magnetism and Reclamation

Scientific Team

Tadeusz Magiera
Head of Department
Full Professor
+48 32 271 64 81, ext. 202
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Michał Bućko
PhD, Assistant Professor
+48 32 271 64 81, ext. 122
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Adam Łukasik
PhD, Assistant Professor
+48 32 271 64 81 ext. 206
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Marcin Szuszkiewicz
PhD, Assistant Professor
+48 32 271 64 81, ext. 206
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Małgorzata Wawer-Liszka
PhD, Assistant Professor
+48 32 271 64 81, ext. 206
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Maria Szuszkiewicz
+48 32 271 64 81, ext. 201
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Magdalena Kaczorowska
+48 32 271 64 81, ext. 201
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Cooperation offer

  • Location of areas with current and historical soil pollution from the deposition of industrial and urban dust.
  • Investigation of soil contamination with trace elements by means of environmental magnetometry (according to the procedure ISO 21226: 2019).
  • Identification and localization of anthropogenic layers in soils in areas with historical mining and industrial activity and in former waste disposal sites.
  • Biomagnetic monitoring of air pollutants in green spaces of urban and industrial agglomerations and along transport routes.
  • Study of chemical, magnetic and biological properties of soils in forest areas and ecotone zone.
  • Magnetic surveys at archaeological sites to locate surface-embedded artefacts.
  • Bioremediation of areas damaged by human activities.
  • Microscopic study of anthropogenic and magnetic particles and microplastics.
  • Reconstruction of urban green spaces and adaptation to the conditions of climate change and local sources of pollution.
  • Research on chemical and magnetic indicators useful in identifying the type of biomass burned and the effects of environmental conditions on the ecological quality of biomass.
  • Accumulation of iron and its magnetic forms in the tissues of plants growing in areas with strong magnetic-geochemical anomalies.
  • Study of the magnetic properties of diagnostic soil horizons and the possibility of using magnetic indicators in soil taxonomy.

Scientific achievements

  • Development and standardization of a soil pollution assessment method based on soil magnetometry ISO 21226: 2019 "Soil quality - Guidance for screening of soils polluted with toxic elements by soil magnetometry".
  • To carry out the magnetic and mineralogical properties of technogenic magnetic particles (TMPs) emitted into the environment by various industries and to indicate the magnetic parameters that help in their identification.
  • Development of a methodology for the identification of anthropogenic soil layers and for the localization of subterranean historical waste dumps based on the integrated use of different geophysical techniques (magnetic and geoelectric).
  • Development of a model for the spatial distribution of magnetic susceptibility of forest soils in the subcanopy of different tree species growing in polluted areas.
  • Performance of characteristic magnetic profiles for the upper soil layers of different soil types and different forms of land use.
  • Development of a methodology to separate the magnetic signal from natural and anthropogenic processes.



current projects of the department
Polluted Land Reclamation Central Europe (PoLaRecCE)
Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Environmental Magnetism and Reclamation

Projects manager: Tadeusz Magiera Full Professor

Ongoing project
The origin of iron minerals in soils with high permeability and determination of  soil diagnostic horizons using magnetic proxies

Projects manager: Tadeusz Magiera Full Professor

Ongoing project
See all projects




Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze

41-819 Zabrze, ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 34
tel.: +48 32 271 64 81
tel.: +48 32 271 70 40
NIP: PL6480006720