Department of Air Protection - Pollution Emission Team

Information about the Department

The Pollutant Emission Team, as part of the Air Protection Department, has been operating in the structure of the present Institute since its inception. The activities of the Team generally cover two basic directions:

  • basic research in the field of dust and gas emissions, including statutory work, research projects and the development of scientific staff,
  • measurement work for industry, both for scientific and development purposes and for the legally regulated area.

The Pollutant Emission Team operates within the framework of the system implemented in the IEE PAS Laboratory, compliant with PN-EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2018-02, confirmed by the AB 950 Accreditation Certificate.

History of the Air Protection Department - Pollutant Emission Team

Scientific Team

Piotr Kowalczyk
Head of Department
Team Leader Pollution Emission, MS.
+48 32 271 64 81
+48 728 413 216
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Odnośnik do strony PBN
Maciej Senik
Head of the P1 Laboratory, engineer
+48 32 271 64 81, ext. 216
601 464 426
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Ewelina Cieślik
+48 32 271 64 81, ext. 240
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Odnośnik do strony ORCID Odnośnik do strony PBN Odnośnik do strony Web of Science Odnośnik do strony Scopus
Elżbieta Niedźwiedzka
+48 32 271 64 81, ext. 240
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Tomasz Rachwał
+48 32 271 64 81, ext. 210
697 026 418
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Odnośnik do strony ORCID Odnośnik do strony PBN Odnośnik do strony Web of Science
Sebastian Okoń
+48 32 271 64 81, wew. 216
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Wojciech Przyklenk
+48 32 271 64 81, wew. 216
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Cooperation offer

The Pollution Emission Team offers cooperation with a scientific institution and the widely understood industry within the framework of scientific research projects and measurements in the legally regulated area. The services offered by the team include:

  • Gaseous pollutant emission measurements: fuel combustion products, organic and inorganic compounds, volatile organic compounds VOC,
  • parallel measurements for the verification of exhaust gas monitoring systems (AST procedure according to PN-EN 14181),
  • measurements in parallel to the calibration of exhaust gas monitoring systems (QAL2 procedure according to PN-EN 14181),
  • testing the effectiveness (efficiency) of dust collectors (acceptance measurements of cyclones, philtres, electrostatic precipitators),
  • measurements of the efficiency of flue gas desulphurisation plants and reduction plants,
  • investigation of particle composition (fractional composition, including PM10, PM5, PM2.5)
  • measurements of dust emissions from coke wet quenching towers according to the non-isokinetic Mohrhauer method
  • additional work outside the scope of accreditation, such as: Determination of the absolute density of dusts, dust fractionation, determination of the acid dew point and many others tailored to the needs of the customer.

Scientific achievements

Work for the benefit of industry, carried out independently and with the Institute's partners:

  • Development and consultation of measurement data of gaseous emissions from thermally active surfaces of coal dumps in the Polish-Czech border area, in the area of influence of the INTERREG V-A programme.
  • Development and demonstration of an innovative two-stage technology for the purification of blast furnace gas, which fulfils the requirements to minimise the amount of waste produced in the form of sludge, to increase the degree of reuse of dust and to meet the technological requirements for further energetic use of the gas.
  • A new method for purification and utilisation of process gases from shaft furnaces in the KGHM technological line

National projects:

  • Characteristics of condensable solid particles released from solid fuel combustion in low-power boilers - adaptation of the methodology for testing the emission and chemical composition of condensable particles generated in flue gases from solid fuel combustion in low-power boilers.
  • "Characterisation of organic compounds in the solid phase in the combustion gases of fuel and municipal waste in a domestic boiler CO ", UMO-2013/11 / N / ST10 / 00995,
  • "Geochemical studies on the occurrence and origin of PAHs in atmospheric air and exhaust gases", N N523 751840,
  • "Properties of respirable dust emitted from selected plants", N207 041 31/1671,
  • "Characterisation of dust and gaseous pollutant emissions from coal combustion in fluidised bed furnaces", 4T10B 065 25.


current projects of the department
See all projects




Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze

41-819 Zabrze, ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 34
tel.: +48 32 271 64 81
tel.: +48 32 271 70 40
NIP: PL6480006720