History of the Air Protection Department - Pollutant Emission Team

The topic of air pollution was one of the main research directions of the scientific research department of GOP PAS, which was founded in 1961. During this period, the plant's staff published fundamental work in the field of air pollution control:

Pollution of the atmosphere" by J. Judy and K. Budziński, 1961,

  • "Combating dust" by J. Judy, in 1962,
  • "Dusting in industry" by J. Zajączkowski, in 1964.

From 15 May 1965, research on air pollution was carried out in the following laboratories:

  • Fundamentals of Atmospheric Protection against Pollution in Zabrze
  • Konimetrii i Mechaniki Aerozoli based in Warsaw

In 1970, the following laboratories were established in the Department of Environmental Protection of the Industrial Regions:

  • Physicochemistry of flue gas cleaning processes
  • Fundamental rroblems of dust technology

The specialisation of the IEE PAS in the field of air pollution control was strengthened by the implementation of PW 10.2, whose coordinator on 26 January 1976 was Stefan Jarzębski Full Professor.

Within Theme Group 01: Protecting Atmospheric Air from Pollution, 20 themes were started, including 1 on the causes and mechanics of the progression of electroerosion in energy electrostatic precipitators, which was included in the government programme FP 7.

The research topics during this period included the following issues:

  • Air protection process control and control systems;
  • Principles for programming the impact of new industrial facilities on air quality and other elements of the environment;
  • The generation of pollutants in technological processes and the development of the basis of technologies with minimal dust and gas emissions;
  • Flow phenomena in multiphase systems, optimisation of dust collection and measurement devices;
  • Reduction of emission of pollutants, including sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides;
  • Influence of air pollution on architectural monuments and development of preventive methods.

Under PW 10.2, the air pollution control unit staff conducted the following research topics:

- Kazimierz Czak M.Sc. : Development of a legal and economic system, a comprehensive law on the protection of atmospheric air in urban and industrial agglomerations based on the experience of Katowicki Voivodeship.

- Stefan Jarzębski Full Professor: Development of short- and long-term methods for forecasting and assessing air quality for warning and planning purposes.

- Mieczysław Sądelski PhD, Assistant Professor : Determination of global organisational solutions in industrial regions based on optimisation methods using climatological models and experimental assessment of air quality.

- Lechosław Jarzębski PhD, Assistant Professor: Investigation of physicochemical transformations of highly dispersed dust pollutants in the atmospheric air of Katowice Voivodeship.

- Ewa Białas PhD, Assistant Professor: Development of technological guidelines for limiting pollutant emissions from certain iron and steel metallurgy processes.

- Jan Kapała PhD, Assistant Professor: Research on the reduction of pollutant emissions from iron foundry processes,

- Krzysztof Wilkosz MSc.: Implementation of the flue gas desulphurisation method in the Siersza power plant, the zinc smelter in the Silesian small town, KGHM Bolesław.




Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze

41-819 Zabrze, ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 34
tel.: +48 32 271 64 81
tel.: +48 32 271 70 40
e-mail: ipis@ipispan.edu.pl
NIP: PL6480006720