Magdalena Jabłońska-Czapla

Magdalena Jabłońska-Czapla
D.Sc., Associate Professor
+48 32 271 64 81, ext. 125, 212
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scientific interests:

  • Transformation and mobility of metals/metalloids, e.g., As, Sb, Cr, Tl, Te, Ge and their speciation forms in the water-soil-soil environment using ICP-MS methods and pre- HPLC-ICP-MS techniques.
  • Mobility of selected critical elements (TCE - Technology Critical Elements) and their speciation forms in soils in areas of e-waste production and processing.
  • Effects of anthropogenic pressure on the content of elements, including critical elements (TCE), in the environment.

private interests:

  • Spending free time on the allotment garden with the family, reading science-fiction literature and long walks with the dog


Spędzanie wolnego czasu na ogródku działkowym z rodziną, czytanie literatury science-fiction i długie spacery z psem



Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze

41-819 Zabrze, ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 34
tel.: +48 32 271 64 81
tel.: +48 32 271 70 40
NIP: PL6480006720